Objectives and foundations of the association's activity

This is a friendly place for children and parents. It welcomes young children under the age of six, accompanied by at least one of their parents or a carer. Admission is free and no registration is required. A variety of games, books, manual and motor activities are available for children and parents. The aim is to create conditions of well-being, complicity and sharing. Un Lieu d’Accueil Enfants Parents est un espace convivial qui accueille, de manière libre et sans inscription, de jeunes enfants âgés de moins de six ans accompagnés d’au moins un de leurs parents ou d’un adulte référent. Jeux variés, livres, activités manuelles et motrices sont autant de supports mis à disposition des enfants et des parents permettant de créer des conditions de bien-être, de complicité et de partage.
The LAEP's role
The Children's and Parents' Centre is a place for talking, sharing, playing and socialising. In this way, it supports the development of family ties. It helps to build a peaceful future without any therapeutic or educational injunctions.
Informing families about local life and existing structures
Promoting links between the host site and local structures
The LAEP is a place where children can socialise and develop themselves. It prepares them for independence. It enables them to develop their creativity and their relationship with themselves and others.

The role of the team and its partners
The team welcomes children and their families. It guarantees a quality of hosting in which everyone can find their place.
Presentation goals
Presenting the site, how it is organised and how it works
We introduce ourself and our role
Introduce everyone present
Organising, Guaranteeing & PreventingCliquez pour utiliser cette solution
Organising and supervising the children's area
Offer confidentiality and anonymity
Be discreet, neutral and non-judgemental
Attitudes & Behaviours
Observing, listening, supporting, keeping the right distance
Have clear, coherent and measured words
Only ask for the first name of the child and the accompanying person
Ability to analyse and step back if necessary
Supporting the child-adult relationship with kindness
Being available and empathetic
Keeping distance from our own history, cultural and religious references, etc.
Encouraging and promoting discussion through play and dialogue
be able to advise professionals and competent local structures if necessary
Keeping a record of user attendance
Principles of a LAEP
A LAEP promotes exchanges between adults. Its aim is to prevent or break the isolation of a number of families, whether geographical, social or cultural.
Games & Sharing
Games and activities help to foster relationships between adults and children. On the other hand, the main purpose of a LAEP is not to be an activity centre with a pre-established programme
During reception time the child is under the responsibility of the parent or accompanying adult..