School support with CLAS system

16H30 – 18H0016H30 – 18H00
Adress : « La marguerite », Centre Familial Charles Vincent, 9 Boulevard Guynemer 06400 Cannes


This programme offers children and young people the academic support and additional resources they need to thrive and succeed at school. Support and resources that they do not always find in their family and social environment.


Schoolwork support, which focuses on methodological help with schoolwork, takes place outside school hours but in close collaboration with the school. The CLAS is aimed at primary school children

Schoolwork support, which focuses on methodological help with schoolwork, takes place outside school hours but in close collaboration with the school. CLAS is aimed at primary school children. Referrals are made in agreement with the parents and in conjunction with the teachers.

Purpose of the intervention

Broadening children's interests

Promoting the child's achievements

Acquire the appropriate methodologies to thrive at school

Promoting citizenship learning

Promoting independence and learning to live in a community


Parents must be fully involved in the implementation process. The aim is to strengthen and improve family/school relations and offer them a forum for information, dialogue, support and mediation, enabling them to become more involved in their children's schooling.


School support is an initiative developed in collaboration with school. It takes the form of actions implemented at special times. A communication book has also been set up to ensure smooth, high-quality communication between the 3 different parties involved (parents, school & LEAP center).


A charter is signed by the parents, the school and the association. CLAS coordinators should not take the place of parents, but should give them the tools they need to monitor their children's work themselves.

For further information, please contact our secretariat on +334.

Centre Familial Charles Vincent – 9 boulevard Guynemer 06 400 Cannes